Autumn Leaves, by Elizabeth Wrobel

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Autumn Leaves

by Elizabeth Wrobel

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh
Autumn leaves get a friendly push.
Whir, whir, whir
Colored leaves swirl and stir.
Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch
Fallen leaves, between feet and ground they crunch.
Scratch, scratch, scratch
Raking golden leaves across the grass.
Swish, swish, swish
Piling autumn leaves until I just can’t resist.
Splash, splash, splash
Into a soft pile of leaves, I gently crash.
Splatter, splatter, splatter
Across the empty yard, those colored leaves scatter.
Scratch, scratch, scratch
I try again raking golden leaves across the grass.

About the Poet

Elizabeth Wrobel writes for both kids and adults in the Northwoods of Michigan. She’s been published in books, magazines, e-zines, and online. Her latest poems have been published in Pure in Heart Stories and The Dirigible Balloon. When she’s not writing, she’s reading and spending time with family.

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