Letter From the Editors

Welcome to Issue #4 of Pure in Heart!

Hold on. STOP. Get comfortable. Like really, super, squishy, don’t-want-to-move comfortable. Maybe get a pillow. Maybe three pillows. Are you comfortable yet? Ok, good! You’re ready to read now… and that’s good because we have a pretty amazing collection of work here in our fourth issue.

Like what? (you might ask). Well, we have our first ever recipe for you to try. But be careful, these cinnamon-roll-like confections are really hard to stop eating (we made them at home, and they are crazy good). Do you like games? We also have a game where emojis act out Bible scenes and you have to guess which ones. And, of course, we have lots of poetry. And stories. And art. And guess what? All were made just for you, to make you smile sillily, think carefully, love deeply, and stand in awe of our good God.

You’re ready to dive in now—we can tell. So just a quick thank you to our wonderful poets, writers, and artists who made this issue come to life: Thank you! You are truly awesome.

And thank you for reading!

May God bless you and keep you,




Editors of Pure in Heart Stories

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